Healing Cards & Guide Book

The healing cards were created for youth with a lived foster care experience, offering a hands-on way to explore self-reflection and personal growth. Inspired by Tarot, each card you choose guides you to what you might need to learn about yourself that day.  Using the cards is simple: pick one at random, reflect on the image, and check the guidebook. Each provides a lesson, an activity— breathing exercises, yoga poses, journaling and reflection —an affirmation, and even a recommended book for deeper insight. The messages focus on understanding your core self, building connections, improving communication, and tapping into your creativity.

Each card, each engagement, and each breath guide us with wisdom and compassion toward inner healing and self-reconnection. The images encourage us to slow down and find solace in the magic that resides within and around us at all times.”  –Wendy Cortez, foster care alumna from California.

Healing Card & Guidebook


Energy Cards